Tooth-Colored Fillings
Do you feel self-conscious about old silver fillings that detract from your smile? Have you thought about having them replaced with fillings that match the rest of your teeth?
At our Reno dental office, our goal is to provide treatments like tooth-colored fillings that restore oral health and improve the look of your smile.
Why You Need a Filling
While they may seem like a pretty basic dental treatment, fillings are actually an essential service needed to maintain excellent oral health. Even with the best oral care, at some point you may still get a cavity.
Once a cavity develops, it needs to be treated quickly to keep it from spreading, causing discomfort, and further damaging your tooth.
Advantages of Tooth-Colored Fillings
One of the advantages of using tooth-colored composite fillings is that they resemble natural tooth enamel. We can customize the shade of the material to blend beautifully with your natural teeth. Composite fillings blend so perfectly with your enamel that no one will know that you’ve had any work done.
Because they look so natural, we use tooth-colored composites to resolve a number of esthetic dental concerns. We can:
- Repair broken or cracked teeth
- Fill in minor chips
- Alter the shape of irregular teeth
- Fill in gaps between teeth
- Replace darkened or deteriorating silver fillings
Preserving Healthy Tooth Structure
Our job is to provide services that keep your teeth strong and functional for many, many years. No matter what treatment we provide, our goal is to preserve as much of your healthy tooth structure as possible. Tooth-colored composites help us achieve this goal since we need to remove only a minimal amount of your natural tooth to place a strong, resilient filling.
Your Treatment, Your Way
We want you to be an active participant in any treatment we provide at our Reno dental office. Dr. Barrett will carefully explain what the problem is and our options for fixing it. He will answer all your questions because we want to make sure you feel completely confident with your decisions about your dental treatment.
Contact Our Office for More Information
Your oral health care should not be difficult or complicated, so we keep things easy with convenient appointments and short wait times. We accept major dental insurances like Aetna, Delta, and Guardian. We're also pleased to offer CareCredit, an interest-free option that allows you to finance the cost of your care with manageable monthly payments.
Are you ready to take the next step to a beautiful, healthy smile? Please call our office to arrange an appointment at your convenience.